
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Beautiful and attractive in just six days! Get rid of beauty parlor

Ubqari Magazine - Monthly Ubqari Magazine October 2020


Beautiful and attractive in just six days! Get rid of beauty parlor

You have the right to look beautiful and attractive. Women have an old relationship of color and smell there are a variety of self-grooming items on the market for women in modern times. There are ancient perfume borders where beauty experts are available to get you out today, but with all your goodness, these items are also expensive for you.  And needs time too. Below we are giving you a 6 day beauty guide. Take some time at any time of the day and pay attention to yourself and follow it. Not only will this make you feel better but it will also save you money over time.


First day: Facial Mask 

In bad weather, the components of the clothes and the fatigue of the work left a bad effect on the skin of the face. Facial is an excellent treatment to get rid of the harmful effects of these masses. Remove dead cells from your facial skin in hot steam cans to give your face a new glow and radiance. Massage a good cold cream on the face very well so that the face turns red and take hot boiling water in a pot. If you wish, cover your face and neck with a towel to add mint fragrance. Start steaming. At least one foot of your face should always be away from the pot. When you sweat well, use a towel. The choice of mask depends on the nature of the skin. If your skin is dry, you need Moisturizer, If your skin is oily, then cleansing mask are required. Any good mask for normal skin. Wear a good mask on the face or leave the eyes and lips blank. When the mask is dry and falling off, apply cold cucumbers pieces to the eyes. If the mass is well dried, then wash the face. Then use a moisturizer. And massage. 


Day 2: Caring of hair

Who doesn't like beautiful hair in today's world where apart from bad weather, after the smoke of cars and the majority of women in it, it plays a central role in your beauty. Scalp dryness is another problem. 

Apply Conditioner After Any Good Shampoo it Creates shine in your hair and it also makes their setting better. Now comb your hair as you like.


Day 3: For the protection of Hands and nails

Now that you look beautiful after you and your face is shining. Pay attention to your hands and nails which you ignore. Cut the edges of your nails to the desired length with the help of a nail fin, but do not brush them because the nails become weak and gets to break. Make a lotion by mixing a good type of soap well in hot water and keep both hands and feet away for five minutes. If you have yellow spots on your nails which is a common problem and is caused by dishwashing detergent powder applied to nails. What can I do to make a solution by mixing one part glycerin, one teaspoon lemon juice and one part 20 Peroxide. Put your fingers in this solution for 10 minutes. Wash your hands and dry them. 


Day 4: protection of feet

Cut the nails to the required length and grind their edges thoroughly by mixing shampoo in warm water. Then keep your feet in it for 10 to 15 minutes. You should dry and clean the cuticle of the nails. Massage the feet thoroughly with a good moisturizer massage the soles of the feet with any of your good oil with hands for at least five minutes before sleeping daily. Sleep will be very calm, eyes will be cool, mind will be calm, and face will be bright.

Holding the feet in the hands, immediately turn inwards and then outwards. Turn upwards and hold each finger and rotate in a circular motion. Pass through the middle of fingers and move them up and down slowly.  Pressing the toes with the help of each piece of evidence, as well as placing the thumbs of both hands on the toes. 


Day 5: hairs on face and hand

Pay attention to the hair on the face and hands. If you have mild hair on your face, use any bleach cream to solve them. If these are numerous, then use threading or waxing. 


Day 6: body massage and taking shower

Massage any good oil like olive or mustard oil on the body with lukewarm water and then make a complete shower with warm water. You will feel the best change in yourself later in the day and even the viewers will be amazed.

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